Towards Conversation Chatbot for Educational Purpose

Chatbots are one of category of intelligent, conversation agents stimulated by natural language input and provide conversation output in response. This technology initiated in early 1960s, since then numerous amounts of methodology is used to develop a competent chatbot, which can interact with the user and mimic human conversation. Natural Languages Processing provide ample toolkits for understanding the contextual concept of text. In this study, utilizing the NLP toolkit we developed a rule based chatbot, which responses to user input, after identifying the dialogue act type and grasp the topic discussion of user input.

Nasim Sofeem, Ahmed Murad, Oussalah Mourad

A4 Article in conference proceedings

Proceedings of the FRUCT’25, Helsinki, Finland, 5-8 November 2019

Nasim, S., Ahmed, M., Oussalah, M., Towards conversation chatbot for educational purpose, Proceedings of the FRUCT’25, Helsinki, Finland, 5-8 November 2019, p. 593-595