Securing Gadget-Free Digital Services

The world faces a digital transition in which nearby environments are intelligent enough to provide user-intended services without requiring any handheld gadgets. This article proposes applying a three-tier communication and service architecture for such a gadget-free environment, identifies its potential vulnerabilities, and proposes a corresponding threetier security mechanism.

Kumar Tanesh, Porambage Pawani, Ahmad Ijaz, Liyanage Madhusanka, Harjula Erkki, Ylianttila Mika

A1 Journal article – refereed

T. Kumar, P. Porambage, I. Ahmad, M. Liyanage, E. Harjula and M. Ylianttila, "Securing Gadget-Free Digital Services," in Computer, vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 66-77, Nov. 2018. doi: 10.1109/MC.2018.2876017