Car Parking User’s Behavior Using News Articles Mining Based Approach

Studying individual’s parking choice behavior can considerably contribute towards evidence-based policing in urban area. This study investigates evidence gathered by mining Finland news article API concerning car parking associated topics in order to comprehend user’s behavior and identify potential unforeseen circumstances that may impact users’ decisions and preferences. The study follows a natural language processing research pipeline, emphasizing word co-occurrence analysis, sentiment score and named-entity monitoring. The results can be exploited by local authorities to develop further evidence based policing in city urban planning.

Arhab Nabil, Jahan Saroar, Oussalah Mourad

A4 Article in conference proceedings

14th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable, Modern and Safe Transport, TRANSCOM 2021

Nabil Arhab, Md Saroar Jahan, Mourad Oussalah, Car Parking User’s Behavior Using News Articles Mining Based Approach, Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 55, 2021, Pages 26-33, ISSN 2352-1465,