First European 6GSymposium shapes 6G through stakeholder dialogue
At the first European 6GSymposium, online on May 4-6, we look forward to welcoming specialists and non-specialists alike to an event jointly organised by 6GWorld, 6GIC, InterDigital and University of Oulu’s 6G Flagship program.
For the next three days, 6GSymposium will bring together a wide selection of thought leaders and influencers to take steps towards solving a number of vital questions regarding 6G. The goal is to get the audience involved, ask questions, challenge the current thinking, and influence what 6G could look like.
“Now is the time to join the discussion on 6G to shape it to fit your specific service needs in a sustainable manner,” says Ari Pouttu, Vice-Director of 6G Flagship and member of the Organising Committee for the European 6GSymposium, and invites all to attend the event open-mindedly.
With an agenda ranging across five key themes – 6G Fundamentals; Technology Deep-Dives; 6G Delivery, 6G-Enabled Business Ecosystems; and Government, Policy & 6G – you will discover plenty of new ideas and have the chance to contribute your own.

6G Flagship’s experts contribute to the discussion in several sessions:
Keynote Session: Research, Design & Innovation for the 6G World
Thu, May 6th 2021 10:00 AM CEST
What mindset and approach should the R&D community adopt to deliver on the promise of beyond-5G communications? Speakers include Professor Matti Latva-aho, Director of 6G Flagship.
Technology Deep-Dives: 6G Networks
Thu, May 6th 2021 12:30 PM CEST
What can or should we be aiming for as we design networks beyond 5G which are often described as autonomous, heterogenous, flexible, to mention a few? Speakers include Professor Matti Latva-aho, Director of 6G Flagship and Professor Tarik Taleb.
Technology Deep-Dives: 6G Radio
Thu, May 6th 2021 16:00 PM CEST
What are the key elements of 6G radio as we respond to demands for higher frequencies, lower latency, higher bandwidths, and more? Speakers include Professor Ari Pouttu, Vice-Director of 6G Flagship.