
ADROIT6G – Distributed Artificial Intelligence-driven open and programmable architecture for 6G networks

Emerging stringent requirements of innovative extreme future-looking applications cannot be served by existing 5G mobile networks. The next 6G era of mobile communications is expected to be widely deployed. In this setting, the EU-funded ADROIT6G project will develop disruptive innovations in the architecture of emerging 6G mobile networks that will make fundamental changes to the way networks are designed, implemented, operated and maintained. Innovations include artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for high performance and automation. The transformation to a fully cloud-native network software is also on the horizon. In general, ADROIT6G innovations, functionalities and performance will be validated through representative extreme 6G use cases: holographic telepresence, industrial IoT, collaborative robots/drones.

  • Cordis:
  • ID: 101095363
  • Project type: RIA
  • Duration: 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025
  • Our expertise: Open programmable AI-driven distributed architecture for 6G networks, 6G KPIs, 6G KVIs, cloud native network software, AI, ML-powered optimizations, DAI framework, CrowSourcing AI
  • Our role: Partner
  • Contact person: Prof. Mehdi Bennis